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NEW! Project Management Essentials (4th Edition)

If you are new to project management or need to refresh your knowledge, Project Management Essentials (4th edition) is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to manage projects successfully. The concepts presented are not rocket science. They are just common sense. Read the book and discover the key skills and knowledge you'll need to be an effective project manager including guidelines for building a usable project plan; strategies to deal with conflict, change, uncertainty, and risk; and how to report on the progress of the project and keep everyone concerned happy. Project Management Essentials is purposefully written in short, clear chapters to make project management more easily understood. The authors, all valued senior faculty of PM College, bring both their business experience and their academic backgrounds to make these chapters come alive. This updated edition offers even more templates and content than the widely used earlier editions, and complies with the latest project management standard, the PMBOK® Guide (6th edition).

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